Sunday, November 6, 2011

November Update

I'm still pregnant! I'm 39 weeks and 4 days today. Today would have been my due date if calculated by first day of LMP.

In my last post I talked about how I missed the coupon for BRU for the travel system. But I wound up getting one in the mail last Friday and that night we went and got it. Now I just have to get my husband to install the car seat bases in our cars! The travel system comes with one and we got a second one at our shower so that we have one in each car, which will make life easier as we use our cars equally.

I had my midwife appointment on Wednesday and measured 40 weeks. The baby's heartbeat was good and my blood pressure was fine. I go back again this Wednesday for my next appointment (on my due date). I am also still going to the chiropractor twice a week. I seriously don't know how I'd be fitting all this stuff in if I were working full time! I guess it's good I'm not working.

The baby's room is finally coming together! My brother and sister-in-law came over on Wednesday night and the room is almost fully painted and then today I woke up and went in there and I couldn't believe how much more empty it was. My husband and I have donated a lot of stuff and chucked a lot of stuff. I've taken at least three trips to our local thrift store with donations and he had taken one trip. We've gotten rid of books and clothes and decorations and all sorts of stuff. The room is finally starting to look empty! If we get it really close to empty and get the painting done I suppose I'll even order the furniture! I still have to get blinds and curtain rods for in there; I have the curtains but no rods. I want to wait til the painting is done anyway.

I also still want to get a diaper bag and a Moby wrap. I'm not sure what I'm waiting for!

I've been having a lot of cramps and only a few contractions. I lost part of my mucus plug last Sunday night and then a bit more on Wednesday. But nothing else is happening. It's hard to explain but part of me is happy about this and part of me is growing increasingly impatient! I wouldn't mind the extra few days to get the last few things done - the things I need to buy, the things I need to straighten up, the things I need to clean. I keep putting it off as if I'll have all this time in "early labor" to do it all. Who knows what I'll even feel like doing at that time?

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