Saturday, September 17, 2011

Overdue update - 3D ultrasound, big baby, birth classes

As has been my habit of late, I've been neglecting my blog. I really want to write down everything that happens and record everything but I find life gets busy and I don't take the time.

I'll attempt to update as much as I can with what my memory will allow. I've got a big case of "baby brain" these days.

We had the second part of our ultrasound a week later than originally planned. We went Saturday, September 3 (at 30 weeks 3 days gestation). And unfortunately, the baby was in exactly the same position as the time before. It wasn't a terrible position but we still couldn't see the whole face. My mom and youngest sister got to come along this time so it was nice to have someone else there. The technician spent another whole hour with us. We got some cute pictures. My mom asked the technician how big the baby was. And the technician said the baby was 3 pounds, 15 ounces after she did some measurements and said the baby was in the 79th percentile! She said she thought the baby was going to be "at least" 8 pounds. I'm choosing to take this with a grain of salt because I have heard how these ultrasounds can be way off. I guess my mom thought the baby looked like my husband too because suddenly she reverted to calling the baby "he."

This past Wednesday (at 31 weeks 6 days) I had an ultrasound and there I was told my baby was measuring 5 pounds, 1 ounce and was in either the 74th or 76th percentile. The doctor said one and the tech said the other so I'm not sure. They both also asked if I had gestational diabetes and I told them I hadn't received my results yet. I texted my midwife when I left (she had asked me to let her know if baby was head down) and she assured me she had gotten my results and I did NOT have gestational diabetes. My glucose was 95 when it needs to be under 140. I had that test nearly two weeks prior at 30 weeks. Otherwise that ultrasound went well. Baby was head down (as he/she had been at the two 3D ones so yay!) but we think the tech slipped and told us the gender. I won't say much more at this point on that front; I'm really trying to put it out of my head. We wanted to be surprised but now that I have a clue I just really want to know! I have about 7.5 weeks to find out!

My work had a bridal shower for me on Wednesday afternoon. I was totally blown away. We got multiple gifts from six people (toys, clothes, bibs, diaper stuff, powders and lotions, etc.) as well as a $200 gift card. I was so surprised and so touched!

My blood pressure was back up again on Wednesday morning (32 weeks). It had gone down some at my 30-week appointment after having been up at 26-week appointment. I'm really freaked out by this. If it gets up to 140/95 I will lose my home birth. :(

My husband and I started our home birth prep class last week and it continued today and will continue next Saturday. It's from 1:00-4:00 each week. Last week was nice. We met the two other couples (one due three weeks ahead and one due two weeks ahead) and talked about things like finding time to relax during pregnancy and nutrition during pregnancy. This week was somehow more intense and emotional, I guess since we were talking about labor and birth. I cried for much of the class, not big heaving sobs, but just like my eyes wouldn't stop leaking! I'm getting freaked about the birthing process the closer it gets. I'm also nervous about being a bad mom or about motherhood not being everything I hoped it would be or that I will have a bad case of gender disappointment. I also have SO MUCH anxiety about being exposed during the birth. I tried to talk to both my midwife and doula about it but I didn't feel much better. I did put a post on a message board about it and the women on there were great. They didn't feed me the line, "Oh, during labor, you really won't care." I'm so sick of people saying that to me. Even if that is the case right now I cannot comprehend that I won't care people are seeing my private parts and it's doing nothing to ease my anxiety, you know?

One of the things we covered today is the #1 reason for transfers to the hospital are that the mother is exhausted. The teacher stressed that first labors can last 24, 48, even 72 hours and that in early labor we should just keep going about our day. If it's night time we should try to sleep. If it's day time we should go about our day as we would have. She stressed that and said she will be quizzing us on that next time.

Our house is almost done being painted. We just have the baby's room left and some odds and ends. We finished up our bedroom (except some touching up on the ceiling) this past Wednesday. I can't believe we're almost there.

I found a great photographer for our newborn pictures (we will schedule for within first two weeks of baby's life) and maternity pictures (going October 2, day after my baby shower with family & friends on October 1). I'm so excited about the newborn pictures, not so much the maternity. I have had mixed feelings the whole time as to whether or not I want the pictures. I figure though if I don't get them there is no going back. If I get them and hate them I never have to look at them or show them to anyone. Our baby may like seeing what I looked like though with him/her in my belly. I do get my husband to take a picture of me every two weeks when I turn an even number. It's often a few days behind. He just took my 32-week one today at 32 weeks 3 days.

Monday I'll be going to my second LLL meeting. I'm going to take one of the girls from my birthing class as well. She and her husband live in the next town over and are so excited about how close we live!

Well, it's after 8:00 and I'm starving and haven't had dinner yet so I'm signing off now!