Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Laughing and babbling!

My baby boy is cracking up right now at his mobile on the swing. It is so cute to see. For awhile now he has been getting excited about things, so excited I think he is going to fly away. The arms and legs start flapping and he looks like he is swimming or flying!

I have not yet written down in his baby book that he is cooing since my mom said it actually sounds like they say "coo." I have not heard that yet though. I hope his babbling isn't actually cooing and I missed the boat. I would have no idea now what date or age to write down. And that makes me sad. He has been doing it at least a few weeks now.

I enjoy every moment with this little guy. Each morning I wake up and nurse him. He is my alarm clock, wakes me up with some little cries (he is a low crier, such a sweet sound). Then I change his diaper and as soon as I lie him down to do that he is just all ear-splitting grins. It's like he is so happy his wet diaper is coming off. He mostly sleeps about six hours every night. Last week after his shots when he wasn't feeling so good he was sleeping past 8:00 a.m. but now he is back to sleeping until about 7:00 or so. I bring him into bed with me and that is my favorite part of the day, cuddles with my boy! I would love to co-sleep all the time but I'm a little nervous about it and he is right next to me in his rock 'n play sleeper and I do bring him in once my hubby gets up for work.

I did wind up calling the doctor the day after my last post and she said it sounded like a normal reaction to the shots but if he did not get better to call and bring him in Friday morning. He got the shots on Monday and pretty much slept or cried all day Tuesday and Wednesday. As Thursday wore on, he seemed more like his old self.

I had been starting to bathe him every other day but I got nervous that was too often for his skin. I talked to someone whose baby is about 10 weeks older and she said she was doing twice a week and just moved to every three days just a few weeks ago so now I bathe him twice a week. I wipe him down really well in between with wipes. He always looks slightly startled when I clean him with those. I warm them in my hands first but I guess they are still too cold. I warm up the lotion in my hands too. Ahh, I just switched to Baby Magic and I love the scent so much more than Johnson's. Ir is such a nice smell!

In nine weeks he will be starting at his day care. That makes me so sad. I try not to dwell on it and just focus on the time we do have together. I have absolutely no desire to go back to work. Someone mentioned adult conversation and I said that did not matter to me. I always thought I was a career woman but I am just so sad. I keep saying to my husband, "Are you sure I have to go back?" Besides the money and benefits, the only thing good I can think about going back to work is getting back into a routine. Right now we are staying up late and waking up late. During the day I have a hard tine focusing and getting things done. I'm mostly just focused on my little guy. He is a full-time job.

I finally got around to ordering his newborn pictures that were taken two months ago! I needed MS Word to do it and our desktop computer died before Christmas. I was able to view the pictures and get what I needed to order our Christmas cards but I never could access Word on my netbook. My husband bought a new computer before Christmas and has been working on it for awhile. I finally just got on the computer for the first time and ordered the pictures. He has since had his picture taken at six weeks on January 3 by a photographer who came to the house. I still haven't seen those pictures yet. Some woman is supposed to come to the house to show us the pictures and we keep having scheduling issues. And I took him to Sears on January 19 to attempt to get a better "mommy & baby" picture since I didn't really love the one I got from the newborn photographer. I was strong and stuck to my guns and ordered only the "free collage." When I picked them up on Monday though they had three more prints in the envelope and offered them to be for $5 for one, $10 for two, or $13 for all three. Of course, sucker that I am, I bought all three. One was a calendar and I thought my husband would like it for his desk but he already has two calendars on his desk. Oh, well. I am planning to get his picture taken at three, six, and nine months as well. I will probably go to JC Penney for those. But I might do Valentine's Day as well, maybe at Picture People or back to Sears. Yes, I'm picture crazy!

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