Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Two months old!

Our little guy was two months old last Thursday! I took him for his two-month check-up on Monday and he weighed in at 15 pounds, 9 ounces. He was 26" long and his head circumference was 16". He is definitely a big boy. The doctor did not say what his percentile was but from what I can find online he is greater than the 95th for height and weight. His head is in the 50th so we know he did not inherit his mama's huge head! The doctor said keep breastfeeding him until the next appointment, when he is four months. I hope she doesn't tell me he needs to start eating regular food at four months. I'm not sure what she meant by that.

He received four shots that day too. Let me tell you that was VERY hard for me as well as him. I did not even want to vaccinate him and here I am there, the one signing off on his shots and watching while he screams and some blood is drawn on his pudgy little leg. When my husband got home that night he was shocked that he had four shots in one day. I had tried to talk to him about following the delayed schedule and now he is saying maybe they could spread them apart some. That is what I was trying to say all along! Oh, well.

He stopped crying after a bit and we went home and he was fine for a few hours and then started SCREAMING for hours. We gave him some grape-flavored baby Tylenol and he started babbling and smiling shortly after for the rest of the night.

However, I am a little worried about the baby now. He has slept A LOT yesterday and today. He slept past his normal wake-up time and he has pretty much slept most of the day (both days). He nurses but falls asleep a few minutes in. And he has taken some really long naps. He does smile some when he is awake but mostly he fusses and when I hold him facing me he beats at my chest with his fists. I know something is bothering him; I just don't know what. If it's more of the same tomorrow I'm definitely calling the doctor. I hate to see my little guy out of sorts. We took his temperature and that seems to be fine.

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