Tuesday, February 28, 2012


It's already been a year since we found out our baby was on the way! Ever since I got out of high school it seems time goes by so quickly. But I have to say this last year must be the fastest ever! It really seems like I was just running out to the store to buy the little baseball shirt to give to my husband to tell him the exciting news and now it's over a year already.

Our little guy continues to bring so much joy to our lives. He babbles and coos and grins and laughs. He makes me smile. He is fussier than normal since he's teething but he is still a very good baby. My favorite time of day is when he first wakes and is just all smiles. I bring him into bed with me and nurse him and then we stay there for awhile. I am in no hurry for him to move to his own room. He is still in the Rock 'n Play Sleeper and I will keep him in there as long as possible. We actually sold the cosleeper bassinet on Saturday. I was not too attached to it. We had bought it used, only used it for about 4.5 weeks (when we got home until he was about 5 weeks) and then it was basically just a changing table for awhile. I did not like how it took up ALL the room between my bed and the wall (width) and blocked my nightstand. I kept bumping my incision on it as it was the exact level my incision was.

I am doing my best to fill out his baby book but sometimes I am just at a loss. For instance there is a space to write down when baby discovers hands and feet. Well, he has been sucking on his thumb since he was just a day or two old. Now he has abandoned his thumb and shoves the whole hand in there as many fingers as he can get until he gags himself. Is that discovering his hands? I don't know. As for his feet he has definitely been looking at them before but he hasn't grabbed for them yet that I recall. I'm trying not to make myself crazy with having this perfect baby book but it's hard. He is my first and I hold myself to this high standard! Except for the "baby's firsts" page I think I'm doing a good job.

I started cloth diapering part-time last week. I bought 10 diapers from Just Simply Baby. I really like them so far! He leaked (pee) out of one which I found odd. I'm going to make note of that one next time he wears it as I'm wondering if it might be defective. It was during the day and he'd only been wearing it a short time. He has worn them overnight and he has pooped in them and all the others have held everything in so it was odd to me that that one could leak. He looks so cute in them too! I am thinking of buying about 20 more. I also just switched to Target disposables. A huge box arrived yesterday. I had some in size 1 from the baby shower and they worked great. Mostly we were using Huggies and we only recently were getting to the point where we needed to buy them as we'd received so many as gifts. So far all we bought was a 33-pack of newborns that he used immediately (even though in the hospital they put size 1s on him right away), and then we bought the big packs of 2s and 3s in the Pure & Natural and we've used the 2s so far. And now I just bought a 96-pack of size 2s of Target's brand. Other than some size 3 Huggies in the denim design and some size 3 Huggies our shower stash is gone. It lasted us a good two months though, maybe longer, so that was great! And now with using cloth part-time I should not have to buy so many.

Today we went to a new chiropractor. It is right down the street so I put him in the stroller and off we went. Going there was downhill so it was easy. Coming home was harder since I was pushing up the hill. I made it though. Ha ha. We had a 4:00 appointment so I arrived around 3:50 to fill out paperwork. It was a complicated process. We met with one woman, and then we met with the chiropractor who examined the baby and did a sort of examination on me (watched my posture, felt my spine, etc.), and then he left and the woman examined me further and X-rayed my neck. They wouldn't X-ray anything else since I am breastfeeding. I did not even get an adjustment though and I'm hurting! And we were there til 5:30! I go back Monday for my results. Who knows if we'll get adjustments then though? I picked this chiropractor for two reasons. 1) It's down the street. 2) It's in network. Then I find out today as of March 1, they'll no longer be in network with my insurance company. What a bummer!

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