Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Six months...and sicknesses.

It's been so long since I posted! I just have no time anymore. Life is good, just very very busy. It's rushing out the door with baby in car seat, pump and pump parts, changes of clothes and bottles for him, dropping him at day care, getting to work, pumping, running back at lunch to nurse, pumping again, picking him up, nursing, nursing, nursing, washing bottles, putting him to bed, and starting all over again. His sleep is not great right now. Some nights he'll sleep all night and then other nights he wakes several times. He just nurses and goes right back to sleep except a few times when he was sick (more on that in a bit). My little guy is continuing to learn and grow and delight us in every way. He is doing well at day care. In fact, I had my first parent-teacher conference yesterday. He is doing well in every area except self-feeding (ha! he hasn't had regular food yet and he still hates bottles so of course he is not going to feed himself a bottle). He sits very well now for long periods of time. He rolls over occasionally. When he first learned both ways he did it once and that was it. Now he is doing it more. He loves his Exersaucer and sitting his Bumbo seat next to a basket of toys. He pulls them out one by one and plays with each for a bit and then when the toys are gone he wails. He is so cute. He is a very happy baby. In the day care I notice many of the babies are very serious. Not my boy! He grins at everyone. He is definitely my son! I'm such a smiler! He got pinkeye on Friday night, April 20. We called the doctor Saturday morning when it was obvious what it was and they had us come in. He started an antibiotic eye drop and his eye started clearing up right away. I did stay home with him that Monday. Two weeks after the first time his eye started oozing green. I thought it was pinkeye again but wasn't sure so I called the doctor on call (not his normal doctor). She said it sounded like pinkeye and to start the drops again. Well, his eyes got worse instead of better. I wound up staying home with him that Monday as well. I called the doctor to say it was getting worse instead of better and they asked me to bring him in. It was already late in the day so I made an appointment for Tuesday and my husband stayed home with him Tuesday and took him to the doctor. This time he was prescribed oral amoxicillin (the pink bubblegum-flavored stuff) which he needed to take twice a day for a week for a bacterial infection. It was horrible trying to get that stuff into him! He would cry like he was being tortured, gargle it, spit half of it back out, you name it. He was starting to do better and then on Monday (the 14th) I got sick with sinusitis. I went to the doctor Wednesday and took him with me just so she could look at him but she said he was fine and there was nothing we could do for his cough (we both had terrible coughs!). I got my own prescription for amoxicillin and within a day I started feeling better, at least from the sinus pain/pressure. The cough hung around for days. The day after I went to the doctor I noticed a gooey discharge coming from his ear when I picked him up at day care. I asked the teacher who was there if she noticed it (it had not been there at lunch time)and she said she did not notice it. It ran all night but he seemed happy and not in any pain. I asked my husband if he thought he was having an ear infection but he thought if he was it would be hurting the baby and he was fine. So against my better judgment I took him to day care. I felt like I couldn't miss any more work as I missed Tuesday & Wednesday of that week. Well, I got a call sometime between 10:00 and 10:30 from the day care telling me about the discharge and I asked if I should come get him or call the doctor or what. They said to call the doctor and call back. Well, of course they said to bring him in. I called my husband and asked him to take him in. Not long after I got an earache that I just couldn't ignore! I wound up leaving work not long after and met my husband and son at home. And I got the news that our baby had a burst eardrum! Poor little guy. So he got more antibiotics, azithromycin, 4 mL one day and then 2 mL the next four days so he finished that yesterday. Through it all he has had a nasty cough and a runny nose. I feel bad for him! He is in pretty good spirits though; you wouldn't really know he is sick. It's just been one thing after another. In other news his high chair is all assembled and we are getting ready to start him on solids! We are planning to do baby-led weaning which is letting the baby feed him/herself, no purees, no shoved spoons, etc. We have avocado and some broccoli which I'll steam. Of course we'll wait four days in between new foods in case there is an allergic reaction. I wanted to start tonight but my hubby can't find the cord for the video camera and it needs to be charged. I don't want to miss this moment on film! Well, I'm going to get back to American Idol! I should go to bed but I have to know who won. :)

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