Friday, May 25, 2012

Sick again!

Ugh! I just posted about sicknesses and then I got hit with another! When I picked up our baby on Wednesday there was a 10-month-old who was vomiting. A few hours later I got nauseous and two hours after that I was vomiting. It went on for awhile (1:00 a.m., then 9:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., etc.). I was really scared I was going to be dehydrated! My milk supply had already taken a hit from being sick the week before. I called the doctor's office to ask about what I should do and the receptionist said the doctor would want to see me. Ugh. I did not know how I'd make it there without vomiting but I did. She gave me a 1:30 appointment and up until that point I couldn't keep anything down. I'd try to run my tongue over my teeth and it wouldn't even glide; it just got stuck. My lips felt really dry too. I was still vomiting when the doctor came in. She told me something was going around (forget what it was called) and that the vomiting should stop in a few hours. But she said if I didn't start keeping fluids down and start urinating I'd need to go to the ER for fluids. She prescribed me Zofran and I went to the pharmacy to pick it up and I got some fruit bars while I was there. I took the Zofran and ate a fruit bar and to my surprise it stayed down. I tried drinking some Gatorade too and that stayed down. I did not throw up again after that! I started feeling better and better so I did not have to go to the ER. Whew! I was afraid of how much that would cost but of course if I needed to I would have. The little dude was so cute tonight! We went out to eat and we put him in a high chair with a high chair/shopping cart cover my sister lent to me. Oh, he thought he was big stuff! So cute. He was just grinning and grinning. First he tried to eat his kids' menu. It was so funny because the waiter was asking us if he wanted apple juice or a kid's meal and he hasn't even had any solid food yet. He was very good! This was his third time in a high chair at a restaurant. When we went out for brother-in-law's birthday and again for Mother's Day dinner with mother-in-law we did the same thing.

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