Thursday, April 19, 2012

Five months! Don't blink...

Five months have gone by in the blink of an eye! There are so many firsts. Little man is now sitting up on his own! He doesn't last terribly long but he's doing it without assistance. He also started day care two weeks ago. I left him there on Thursday, April 5, and Friday, April 6. I SOBBED after leaving him on Thursday. I went back and lunch time and nursed him (as I was planning to do when I returned to work) and sat in the rocking chair and sobbed again. It was one of the hardest days! Friday my husband had off (Good Friday) and we dropped him off and then went out to breakfast. We wound up springing the little guy out of there shortly after lunch. I couldn't leave him there any more when we were home. I was so sad! Monday we had the day off to go to a baseball game and Tuesday was the real deal, my first day of leaving him and going to work. I am SO glad it was suggested to me to leave him a few days before going to work. Oh, my gosh! I barely cried at all on Tuesday whereas on Thursday I sobbed! I can't imagine if I had gone to work like that. Now there is the chance I wouldn't have cried if I was at work but I would not put money on it. I had a few days to see he would be OK and survive without me before having to concentrate on work! Going back to work was both weird and familiar. In some ways it was like I never left, never had an almost six-month break. In other ways it felt weird. The dread of returning to work was definitely worse than the reality, thank God for that. He does not take a bottle very well. They can get him to take a little bit in the morning and then again in the afternoon. I nurse him at lunch and when I get home from work I just sit and nurse him on the couch for awhile. He knows what he wants! And a bottle is not it. I say he drinks just enough to survive and that's it.

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