Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More announcements! And eve of last ultrasound.

We are on a roll with our announcements. Sunday we told my parents and two of my sisters. Monday (yesterday) I told two friends that are also coworkers and my two brothers. Then we went to my mother-in-law's and told her and my brother-in-law. Today I told my closest aunt and my best friend. I am praying everyone keeps this news to themselves because the last thing I want is for someone I'm close with to hear it through the grapevine instead of from me. I just only have so much time each evening to make any calls and some of them (like tonight's with my best friend) are over an hour. We haven't had much time to talk since February as she had her little guy a month ago and has been so busy with him.

It is overwhelming just how happy everyone is for us. We've gotten tears (my aunt and my one friend at work), shouts, hurrahs, confusion (mother-in-law), questions, and hugs. My best friend told me I made her day. :)

I think the "strangest reaction" award has to go to my mother-in-law. First I have to explain she's kind of obsessed with Johnny Depp and when we handed her the ultrasound picture she said, "Oh, I thought you were giving me a picture of Johnny Depp." I am not sure but I think she might have sounded disappointed it wasn't. She's been begging for a grandchild for the longest time. Then she tried to feel my belly. I'm not even 10 weeks. My baby is the size of an olive. There is nothing to feel. She is too funny.

Tomorrow is our last ultrasound with the doctor and then we move on to the midwife. I'm feeling really bittersweet. I want to go there every week for the next 30 weeks (although at a $30 copay per visit that would really add up!) so I can see our little bean. This will be our last ultrasound until the big one. I know I'm very lucky that I've had so many already.

Well, I'm one tired mama. I'm off to bed.

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