Our boy is now 3.5 and so many times I think I need to write this down, different things he says or does that are funny or cute.
First let me say he passed his peanut challenge last month! Yay! He had blood work done in March and then the doctor told us he got the lowest score so we set up the peanut challenge. That was tough keeping him occupied for a visit that lasted over 3 hours! He got to eat peanut butter on saltines as well as part of a peanut butter chocolate egg from Easter. The night before he informed me he didn't like peanuts so in the morning as we were leaving I said to my husband, "Wish me luck, he is telling me he doesn't like P-E-A-N-U-T-S," and N said, "Yeah, I don't like peanuts." So much for spelling! He did eat it no problem though! I hope this doesn't happen but if I ever have another child with food allergies I will find a pediatric allergist. The doctor was great but the nursing staff doesn't seem to quite have enough patience with children. It was stressful for me. For example, they have the stickers right at eye level of the kids and they tell him, "Only one when you're done." Okay, that's good in theory but we were there three hours! He was obsessed with them.
We are still carrying around the Epi Pen Jrs. Old habits die hard! What a relief though!
We're still working on potty training. I'm laidback about it even though no one else around us is! He goes when he wants but I don't make a big deal of it. He only has Pull-ups at school right now because I'm almost out of diapers and I had those for a long time and he's about to grow out of them! He is about 33 lbs. and 39" now (as of various March & April appointments). His three year stats were 29 lbs. and 37" I think? I feel like the weight at his 3yo visit was wrong (too low) because he'd barely gained between the last visit and that one and then had gained several pounds in just 3 months! Anyway, I'm not sure what I think about training with Pull ups but I bought them a long time ago and they were what I had in when the preschool sent home the "needs diapers" note.
He had a hearing test done in April as well. Poor kid did not pass. His right ear was clogged with wax (not visible to us) and both ears had fluid behind them. I guess I should have had the pediatrician check his ears first, but now I'll know. So it's been 6-7 weeks and we have to keep going back to the pediatrician for ear checks. The wax is gone as we were doing Debrox at home and then the doctor actually scraped it out and irrigated it. He was not happy when we had to go back again. "I don't like that doctor! She put water in my ear."
Here are some funny/cute things he's said lately.
Monday was school picture day. I said, "Did you smile?" He says, "Nooooo." I said, "Did you make a face like this?" and I looked grumpy. He says, "No! I said cheese and I did a great job," making a fist pump with his arm. I said, "Oh, who said great job, photographer or teacher?" He says, "I did!" Funny.
He is obsessed with Iron Man and Spiderman. He constantly pretends to be them. He'll tell me, "You be the monster, Mommy, and I'll be Spiderman!" Then he slings webs at me.
He loves letters. He first learned O, then N for his name, and then "A like Captain America!" A seems to be his favorite. One night he told me, "Alexa starts with A." Well, more like "Wexa starts with A," and it took me a bit to figure that out. She's a teacher at his school. He knows M and E and C and H and P most of the time. He likes to turn Zs on their side and call them Ns. Ha.
Last night in the tub I took a funny video of him. He has these foam letters that come in a clear canister. He dumped them all out and put the I letters between his toes, turned the canister upside down and used the I letters as drumsticks. He got all embarrassed and stopped though when he saw the camera so I stopped filming him.
His school had a May Fair this week. We all had to send in white T-shirts so each class could dye them their color. His class had red. I asked him how he dyed it. He told me an elaborate story about a yellow bucket with red water and he twisted it and it got wet and now it's red and pink blah blah. He is so cute.
One morning he said to hubby, "Wake up Dada, it's not dark out there. The moon is not there, the sun came up." He loves to explain things by if it's dark or not. He can't take a nap because he doesn't see the moon, it's light out there.
Spring almost passed us by and went right to summer but then it came back. One day it dipped back to the 60s this week (and 50s another day) and he told me, "It's cold but it's not snowing. My head is cold."
I told him we're taking him to Disney this fall. He packed his little backpack with toys, a juice box, a costume and put his sneakers next to it. "I'm all packed for Disney World," he tells me. "I have juice, I have Iron Man, I have Legos and my new shoes." So yeah, I'm not going to mention that again for awhile. The concept of waiting months is hard for him naturally.
He is already planning his fourth birthday. I think he's finally starting to get he has a birthday each year. He kept saying before, "My birthday is over. I'm three, I had a Mickey party." Now he is getting that he'll have ANOTHER party and this time he wants TMNT. I'm already looking stuff up on Pinterest and Etsy and planning ahead! I was thinking of skipping a party this year since we're going to WDW but this is when he's really getting into it and I can invite his classmates and he'll love it.
He's so observant! I got new glasses last month. I picked them up on my lunch break one day about 10 days after I picked them out. He was with us for our eye exams. I picked him up at school wearing them and he peers at me and says, "What are these? They are purple? Did you go to the eye doctor?"
He picked out a baseball outfit one day and informed me that he's "going to a baseball [game]." Go figure that this is the year we did not renew our season tickets! It was just getting to be too much.
A favorite phrase is "Oh, my goodness!" On Easter I gave him TMNT underwear. "Oh, my goodness, that's a lot of Turtle underwear!"
He calls adults "people." One night I was trying to get him ready for bed, diaper and pajamas. I got frustrated and said, "OK, put your own diaper on." "No, Mommy, the people do that for me!" And one day in the food store I told him I was going to get him some probiotics and asked if he'd take them. He said yeah (and he does, loves them, they're chewable). Then I said I'd get some for me too. He says, "Get the one for people, not kids." I totally cracked up.
Scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed one day he saw a picture of a bearded man nuzzled next to a woman. He says, "Oh, look, it's the Baby Jesus."
One Sunday morning we were cuddling in bed. I usually took him to Romp n' Roll on Saturdays but we'd missed that week. "Today is Sunday, where do we usually go on Sundays?" I said, seeing if he'd remember "Mom-Mom's." He says, "Romp n' Roll," and I reminded him that's Saturday and we missed it. So he says, "Oh, LEGOLAND and Disney World." Yep, that was going to be a disappointing day for him!
At Christmas I wondered aloud to him (so silly) if Santa would bring me any presents this year. N informed that yeah, I was getting a car. Then I asked what about Daddy? He said he's getting a towel. I said, "What kind of towel, what do you do with it?" He informed me, "In the kitchen, dry hands." I was laughing! As for himself he told Santa he wanted a Christmas tree.
He loves to hold up his arm and say, "Wait." He is a little bossy. And he takes after me.
He's very possessive of me. If another kid comes near me or sits on my lap he informs them, "That's my mommy."
He's been in his new preschool 11 months now. He did eight weeks of camp, then mini camp, and then the school year. It's hard to believe it'll soon be his second camp season with them. We really like it there although that tuition check is hard to write out!
So I'm thoroughly enjoying this boy. He is a precious gift.
Not to end on a sad note, but we lost two pregnancies in the past seven months. I went through a period where I thought I'd never smile again. In October we had a chemical pregnancy. hCG levels were rising but barely and then I started bleeding and it was over at 5w4d. Then I got pregnant again in December and thought the October loss was a small blip on the radar and we'd get a happy result this time. I was still grieving for October's loss though when this happened so I felt conflicted. But I was excited, so so excited. Everything went well at first, we saw a heartbeat even, but then hCG levels weren't rising properly, growth slowed, and eventually the heartbeat stopped. I lost our baby girl at 11w2d. She had an extra chromosome. It was a few days before my birthday and the other loss happened right around our anniversary so both were pretty crappy this year. We plan to try fertility treatment later this year again. Maybe I'll blog about it on my TTC blog.
Take care!
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