So my son has been giving me the gift of being up before the sun. One of these days I need to stop and actually look out the window and watch the sun rise. He is becoming quite the early riser and I did much grumbling about it before deciding to view it as a gift. Today we ate breakfast together. I can tell you before today that has never ever happened on a work day. I changed my hours as of 5/28 as well; I now go in at 8:30 rather than 9:00. I figured I am up, so why not? I love getting home a half hour earlier too. I'm showering at night as well; that is not necessarily a good thing. I love my morning showers but it helps me save time in the morning.
N is no longer the baby on my side of the family. I have a new niece who was born on 5/28 at 10:27 a.m., weighing in at 7 pounds, 12 ounces. So far his reactions have been to smile at her while I'm holding him and to cry when I'm holding her.
He likes to point to images now and say something like "that." The first time he did it he pointed at a picture of a cat, so naturally I thought he was attempting to say "cat." But today he did it for Elmo and Cookie Monster and I think he is saying "that" because I often point and say, "Who is that?" He is too funny. "Uh-oh" is simply his favorite word right now though. He will purposely drop something just to say "uh-oh."